1. Why should I say I can't when the Bible say I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)

2. Why should I lack when I know that God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)

3. Why should I fear when the Bible says God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (II Timothy 1:7)

4. Why should I lack faith to fulfill my calling knowing that God has allotted to me a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)

5. Why should I be weak when the Bible says that the Lord is the strength of my life and that I will display strength and take action because I know God (Psalms 27:1 & Daniel 11:32)

6. Why should I allow Satan supremacy over my life when He that is in me is greater that he that is in the world (I John 4:4)

7. Why should I accept defeat when the Bible says that God always leads me in triumph (II Corinthians 2:14)

8. Why should I lack wisdom when Christ became wisdom to me from God and God gives wisdom to me generously when I ask Him for it (1Corinthinans 1:30 & James !:5)

9. Why should I be depressed when I can recall to mind God's loving kindness, compassion and faithfulness, and have hope (Lamentations 3:21-23)

10. Why should I worry and fret when I can cast all my anxiety on Christ who cares for me (I Peter 5:7)

11. Why should I ever be in bondage knowing that there is liberty where the Spirit of the Lord is (Galatians 5:1)

12. Why should I feel condemned when the Bible says I am not condemned because I am in Christ (Romans 8:1)

13. Why should I feel alone when Jesus said He is with me always and He will NEVER LEAVE ME OR FORSAKE ME (Matthew 28:20 & Hebrews 13:5)

14. Why should I feel accursed or that I am the victim of bad luck when the Bible says that Christ redeemed me from the curse of the law that I might receive His spirit (Galatians 3:13-14)

15. Why should I be discontented when I, like Paul, can learn to be content in all my circumstances (Philippians 4:11)

16. Why should I have a persecution complex knowing that nobody can be against me when God is for me (Romans 8:31)

17. Why should I feel worthless when Christ overcame sin on my behalf that I might become the righteousness of God in Him (II Cor. 5:21)

18. Why should I be confused when God is the author of peace and He gives me knowledge through His indwelling Spirit (I Cor. 14:33 & 2:12)

19. Why should I feel like a failure when I am a conqueror in all things through Christ (Romans 8:37)

20. Why should I let the pressures of life bother me when I can take courage knowing that Jesus has overcome the world and its tribulations (John16:33)

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