Sticks, Rocks and Fishes

What is that in your hand? Just a stick was replied
It's not good for much Moses shrugged as he sighed
Throw it down on the ground The Lord did command
Took the form of a serpent For a sign in the land
What is that in your hand? Just some rocks, david cried
For I'm only a boy I tend sheep on the side
Throw one up in the air The Lord did command
It will strike great Goliath, Israel's victory's at hand
WHat is that in your hand, Just some fish and some bread
Brought them here while I listened so that I could be fed
Bring them here to me son The Lord did command
And He blessed them and broke them Feeding five thousand men
What is that in your hand? The Lord says to you
Give it over to me Just see what I'll do
Sticks, rocks and fishes are naught in your hand
But in God's they're empowered to bring blessings to man
Don't limit God's Power For when yielded we stand
The answers are given~ just open your hand.

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