Fun Smileys - Page 1

To use the smileys, right click DIRECTLY OVER the one you'd like to use, select "properties"
from the menu, then highlight and copy the image address.
(these are the IE directions...I don't know how it would work in Netscape or on a Mac...if you do,
please email the directions to me and I'll add them here. Thanks!)

Once you've copied the address to the image, paste it between the image tags like this:

[img]the address goes here[/img]

ATTENTION!!! I've now broken this section down into 3 pages; hopefully that'll fix the
problems some have been having with how the page loads. If you're still having problems,
don't hesitate to email me using the link listed below. Thanks!

17 new smileys added 11/7/02
Over 730 smileys to choose for practically every mood!

New smileys are located on page 3. The smileys aren't listed in any particular order.

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This site is a personal website, and has no affiliation with any commercial website. For comments or questions, please send an email by clicking here.
All images are believed to be public domain or available to upload on a personal site for use on message boards.
If you see an image that's not public domain or available for message board use, please contact me via the email link listed above and
I'll either remove it or give proper credit, as requested.

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